may 2017: i have won the highest scoring print award and was a travel category finalist in the 2017 nsw aipp epson print awards. Out of eight entries I received one gold with distinction, one gold, one silver with distinction and three silver awards. please enjoy my award images below.
august 2016: i received three silver awards from the 2016 aipp australian professional photography awards (appa) from my four entries. the aipp appa are the national institutes annual print awards open to all pre-qualified and seeded professional photographers in australia.
july 2016: i received three highly commended awards and two other nominations in the international la grande awards in the landscape, people and silhouette categories this year
march 2016: i have been awarded a series of awards in the 2016 nsw aipp epson print awards, where I received one gold and seven silver awards. i was also a finalist in the travel category. please enjoy my award images below.